Bitlife Challenges
A Complete Guide to All the Exciting Tasks
This game offers a variety of BitLife challenges, each of which is detailed below for your convenience.

100 Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be 100 years old
- Have a bank balance of exactly $100.
- Have 100% happiness.
- Have 100% health.
- Have 100% smarts.
- Have 100% Looks.

Achilles Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- Be born a male in Greece.
- Join the army.
- Serve in 3+ military deployments.
- Have 100% happiness, health, smarts, and looks.
- Suffer from athlete’s foot.

Amongst Us Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Become a mechanical engineer.
- Make 5+ friends.
- Give a friend a car worth $50k in poor condition.
- Give a bad advice.
- Use 3+ different methods to murder your friends without getting caught.

April Fool’s Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Work as a clown for a few years.
- Prank someone each year for 50+ years.
- Call someone a fool.
- Play the whole challenge with your pinky finger only.

Around the Block Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a female in Illinois.
- Rent out 15+ homes.
- Have at least one baby with 10+ tenants.
- Break up with 5+ tenants.
- Murder a spouse via a drive-by.

Baby Mama Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be a male.
- Father 20+ children.
- Have 20+ wives.
- Each child must be born to a different wife.

Barbie Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Be a female.
- Undergo all plastic surgeries except gender reassignment.
- Be a model.
- Live in a mansion (or similar).

Beauty is Pain Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a female in New York.
- Have 100% looks.
- Master 2+ martial arts styles.
- Fight someone during a walk.
- Fight 2+ people in Prison.

Bijuu Mike Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- Be born a male in the United States.
- Make a viral Bitlife Video.
- Go 50+ Years without posting another Bitlife video.
- Achieve 3+ million subscribers on YouTube.

Bitlife’s Next Top Model Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Join the Mean Girls clique in high school.
- Become a famous Model.
- Achieve 90%+ fame.
- Publish a book about your career.
- Pose for a nude photo shoot.

Black Panther Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- Start a second-generation life.
- Be born a male in Kenya.
- Earn the top belt in every martial art.
- Become the mayor of Wakanda.

Brains & Beauty Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Become a model.
- Become a Brain surgeon.
- Read Frankenstein.
- Have 100% Smarts.
- Have 100% Looks.

Brangelina Challenge in Bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- Live in Los Angeles.
- Become a famous movie star.
- Build a net worth of $200M+.
- Adopt 3 Foreign Children.

bridgerton challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a female in the UK.
- Become a famous author.
- Attend 15+ parties with your friends.
- Spread rumors about your friends 10+ times.
- Marry a Royal.

burger bob challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a male in New Jersey.
- Have a wife and 3+ children.
- Own a food truck business that only sells burgers.
- Rebrand your product every year for 10+ years.
- Earn $1M in profits.

can’t stop won’t stop challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Panhandle 5+ times on various streets.
- Busk 5+ times on various streets.
- Scam 25+ people.
- Emigrate 5+ times.
- Earn $1M+ from hustle profits.

catch em all challenge
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Become a professor.
- Own 5+ cats of different breeds.
- Own 5+ dogs of different breeds.
- Own 5+ rabbits.
- Have a perfect relationship with all pets.

cosmic explorer challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Become a famous astronaut.
- Launch 2+ probes.
- Go on 1+ Mars Mission.
- Collect 2+ artifacts from space.
- Win a Noble Prize.

crazy cat lady challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Be born a female.
- Own 15+ cats.
- Own 5+ cats with high craziness.
- Own 5+ different types of cats.
- Take all of your cats to the vet in the same year.

creeper by the dozen challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a make in New Jersey.
- Marry someone with 2+ children.
- Have 5+ children of your own.
- Adopt 4+ children.
- Own a haunted mansion.

Dangerous women challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- Be born a female in Miami.
- Become a famous Singer.
- Have 6+ albums hit platinum or higher.
- Call off 4+ engagements.
- Complete the challenge before you turn 30.

deadbeat dad challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Become a father.
- Never have a full-time job.
- Abandon 2+ children from different women.
- Gamble away a lot of money.
- Have your home repossessed?
- Reconnect with an estranged child.

death not challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a male in Japan.
- Have 100% smarts and looks.
- Become a detective.
- Make a coworker your Enemy, then your friend.
- Murder 10+ people.

Demon Slayer challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born in Japan.
- Have a little sister.
- Master judo and karate.
- Become an exorcist.
- Perform 12 exorcisms in your own haunted houses.

Dirty Jobs challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Become a lawyer for 10+ years.
- Become a porta potty pumper for 10+ years.
- Become a plumber for 10+ years.
- Become a roadkill remover for 10+ years.
- Become a porn set janitor for 10+ years.

Dr. Dolittle challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Become a vet.
- Life on a farm, ranch, or acreage.
- Have 10+ pets.
- Have a perfect relationship with each of your pets.
- Have no sick pets.

Eat Pray Love challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Be born in the United States.
- Become a famous author.
- Get divorced.
- Experience Mediterranean food in Italy.
- Achieve inner peace in India.
- Find love in Indonesia.

Euphoria challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Develop an addiction.
- Relapse after battling an addiction.
- Hook up with 20+ people before age 20.
- Start rumors about 5+ friends.
- Assault your best friend.

Ferris Bueller challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???

Fast and Furious challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Own a Dodge Charger.
- Steal a Bugatti car.
- Steal a Ferrari car.
- Steal a Lamborghini car.
- Sell 5+ stolen cars.
- Never go to jail.

Fatal Fashionista challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be born a female in Italy.
- Become a fashion designer.
- Kill 3+ coworkers.
- Poison your spouse.
- Bribe the cops to avoid arrest.

Finding Nemo challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Live in Sydney.
- Become a dentist.
- Release a goldfish.
- Have a daughter named Darla.
- Take a boat to the sea.

Forrest Gump challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Be a male.
- Play college football.
- Join the army and go to war.
- Become a fisherman.
- Have a son named Forrest.

friend to foe challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Kill 6+ best friends.

Frisky Business challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- Get a corporate job.
- Sleep with 15+ coworkers.
- Marry a coworker.
- Have 5+ babies with a coworker.
- Successfully beg to keep your job..

Full Metal Soldier challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Enlist in the Marines.
- Hook up with an enlistee.
- Murder your commanding officer.
- Survive 2+ deployments.
- Receive an honorable discharge.

Full Time Part Time challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Work 10+ freelance Gigs in high school.
- Never hold a full time job.
- Work 40+ hours in part time jobs after high school.
- Purchase a mansion.
- Purchase a yacht.

Generous Boss challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Own a company with 20+ facilities.
- Own a company that sells 5+ products.
- Give employees $250k in bonuses.
- Pay your employees the big bucks for 10+ years.
- Have a salary of less than $100k for 10+ years.

Genghis Khan challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Hard
Status: Expired
- BLive in Mongolia.
- Become a general in the army.
- Own 10+ horses.
- Father 10+ children.
- Murder 3+ people.

Ghostbusters challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Live in or emigrate to the USA.
- Become an Exorcist.
- Perform 10 exorcisms in you own haunted houses.

Gilmore Girls challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Be born a female in Connecticut.
- Perform every activity with your mother.
- Study journalism.
- Cheat with an ex.
- Get pregnant by an ex.

Globetrotter challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Medium
Status: Expired
- Set foot in 30+ different countries.
- Have lovers from 80+ different countries.
- Emigrate 8+ times.
- Own 5+ aircraft.
- Own 5+ watercraft.

Gold Digger challenge in bitlife
Difficulty: Easy
Status: Expired
- Never had a job.
- Marry 3+ times.
- Get $1m+ from spouses.
- Own a Lamborghini car.